Pamela Malloy
We express our pain through writing, creatively the energy flows on to the paper. It can be written as a memoir, a poem of an event, a short story or a full autobiography. We express our pain through artistic expression: watercolor painting, charcoal drawing, any medium we are attracted to. Through song that expresses our truth we can release our pain.
Pamela Malloy is the founder of Expressive Healing Enterprises LLC.
“Tales of Tara the Awakening”, under the pen name Tara Shen, is the first creation of Expressive Healing Enterprises, LLC
Expressive Healing Enterprises LLC offers books, workshops, retreats, Awakening Coaching Sessions, and more.
More about Pamela…
Life as a Survivor
I was a determined single mom, and aware that my life was unmanageable. Now I was seeking help, guidance and support. My normal approach to life was one of self-reliance. I needed, in my perspective to do things for myself. I stepped out of my comfort zone by becoming...